
Showing posts from March, 2021

Azize Karlı Our Project Poster

Azize Karlı Our Project Logo

We choose our teams poster and logo

We made a word cloud about honesty honesty

We contributed to our poem on goodness

Esra Burcu Ağıllı- Arıl Şehit Mehmet Emre Özer Middle School Our word cloud about honesty

Esra Burcu Ağıllı Arıl Şehit Mehmet Emre Özer Middle School We decided our poster and logo winners

Azize Karlı Bandırma Middle School Our word cloud collaborative work on integrity

Esra Burcu Ağıllı- Arıl Şehit Mehmet Emre Özer Middle School

Esra Burcu Ağıllı- Arıl Şehit Mehmet Emre Özer Middle School We played Cram

Azize Karlı Bandırma Middle School My students' activities to prepare games with Cram

Azize Karlı Bandırma Middle School My students learned the cram application and prepared their games about social studies lesson

Azize Karlı Bandırma Middle School My students formed the first lines of our poem, which is our joint activity on goodness value

Azize Karlı Bandırma Middle School We held our meeting with my students for March events

We applied the quiz we prepared to our other friends in our class, we had a lot of fun.

Azize Karlı Bandırma Middle School our top rated poster and logo in my team's logo and poster poll

Azize Karlı News of our Hello event on the school website

Cihat Çelebi Çetenli Middle School-Zoom Meeting About Storybord

Cihat Çelebi Çetenli Middle School-Plickers

Cihat Çelebi Çetenli Middle School-Storybord-Empathy Comics

Esra Burcu Ağıllı- Arıl Şehit Mehmet Emre Özer Middle School Our school board

Esra Burcu Ağıllı- Arıl Şehit Mehmet Emre Özer Middle School Chat Room Conversations

Azize Karlı Bandırma Middle School We held our March meeting at Twinspace